What is 5G network? Need, Advantages and Disadvantages

When mobile phones initially came, we could only make calls and messages. But now we can even see the person who is away from our mobile phone. And this became possible due to the inclusion of broadband technology in cellular networks. Examples of such broadband cellular networks are 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and 6G. In this article I am sharing information about 5G network with you.


What is 5G?

5G is the fifth generation of mobile networks. Its speed is 20 times more than 4G. While the peak speed of 4G is 1 Gbps, the peak speed of 5G is 20 Gbps.

5G Technology Features

Some of the main features of 5G technology are as follows:

  • Connecting more computing devices in a low cellular area
  • High download speeds, up to 10 gigabits per second
  • Latency between sending and receiving information can be as low as 1 millisecond
  • Low power consumption
  • Ability to create multiple virtual networks from one physical 5G network


Nowadays we have started using many wireless devices like – wireless earphones, smart watches, smart speakers, laptops etc. And with the advent of technologies like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, the need for better connectivity has also increased.

Just imagine that you are going somewhere while looking at the direction in Google Maps and due to poor network connectivity, Google Map stops showing you the way ahead. How much trouble will you face at such a time?

Let's take another example - if we have installed smart bulbs, smart switches in the house and the switch does not turn on due to poor Wi-Fi network, then you will have to live in darkness.

To deal with similar problems, the need for 5G technology has increased and now all mobile operators want to provide 5G facility to their customers.


  • Due to higher bandwidth you will be able to transfer more data at a time
  • You can connect more wireless devices at the same time
  • At least 10 lakh devices can be connected in an area of one square kilometer
  • There will be real time interaction between two wireless devices


  • 4G phone does not support 5G technology so people have to buy a phone that supports 5G.
  • With more wireless devices being connected, the possibility of personal and business data being hacked will also increase.
  • New towers will have to be installed for 5G, which will cost a lot.
  • Till now, there are many rural places where even 4G network towers are not sufficient, it will take years for 5G network to arrive in such places.


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